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Defence Before the State Court for the Protection of the State in Belgrade
The state prosecutor of the Belgrade State Court for the Protection of the State, Nikola Manojlovic (Manojloviæ), on 25 September 1929 filed an indictment against Andrija Hebrang and four communists from the investigating detention centre of the Zagreb District Court. The indictment against Andrija claims that:
Defence of Andrija Hebrang, 11 November 1929, 12-page manuscript:
The state prosecutor accuses me of mainly two things: the envelope and its contents, and some work plan that was found in Vranes's trunk, which the indictment claims was written by me. Because the indictment focuses on those two points, I shall limit myself to them, because I have no connection with the other claims in the indictment, which I am confident will be established during these proceedings. If I manage to refute the allegations in the indictment regarding the work plan, I shall have devalued the other incriminating items which are ascribed to me and are in close connection with the supreme prosecutor's thesis that the work plans in question was written by me. I did not know nor had any relations with the other indicted persons the indictment connects me with, so I did not nor could have had any part in the activities the indictment imputes to them. After this statement, there remains only the envelope charging me, the one that was found in my pocket during the arrest. I shall, therefore, first speak about that, how I got it, to later focus on the work plan and the other related things. On the day in question, September 7 last year, I arrived in Zagreb around seven in the morning, aboard the Osijek train. In Zagreb I intended to finish some private business, and in the evening proceed to Belgrade, where I had some business commitments. Upon arriving at the station, I headed straight for my sister's apartment to rest and freshen up. Later, I went into town to do what I had come to Zagreb for. On July 8 last year, the Zagreb police banished me from Zagreb for five years. Because the police had not given me an opportunity to arrange my things and previous commitments, I was forced to stop in Zagreb and see to those commitments which could no longer be postponed. On my way to see the companies that I had business commitments with before being banished, I arrived at the university, where I believe some university youth assembly was being held. I stopped for a moment to hear what was going on. A few seconds later I was unexpectedly joined by Vranes, who asked when and whence I had come. After we exchanged a few words, I said that I was in a hurry as I had a lot of things to do before the evening, and that if he wanted to, we could meet in the evening, after I had finished with my business. Our conversation lasted about five minutes. I left after we arranged to meet again in front of the Theatre between seven and eight pm. In the afternoon, having finished my business, I sat on a tram going to the Theatre, arriving there at the agreed time. Riding on the tram, I reached the corner of Ilica and Frankopanska Street, where the tram tracks turn towards the Theatre. On the corner, by the "Croatia" cafe where the tram stop is, there was a large group of people. When the tram stopped some people from the group got on, while some remained at the stop. In the tram, I had been discussing the latest political developments with two gentlemen. As soon as the tram started, I heard someone calling me. Turning around, I noticed that a man, whom I had seen before, was running down the tram, offering me an envelope. As I had been standing on the platform of the last carriage, I reached forward and took the envelope. I glanced at the envelope in the hope of seeing by the handwriting who was writing to me. Nothing was written on it so I asked who had sent it to me. At that moment, the tram accelerated, leaving the man behind. Owing to the noise of the tram and the distance between us, I was unable to understand what he was saying. His lips were moving so I knew he was saying something. I think he said: put it away! I put the envelope in my pocket, resuming the conversation with the two gentlemen all the way to the Theatre, where I descended. Having come out of the tram I found Vranes already waiting in front of the Theatre with a newspaper under his arm. We immediately agreed to have dinner together. Talking, we arrived at the restaurant where we had decided to have dinner. After dinner we stayed at the restaurant for about two hours, talking and reading newspapers. We left the restaurant about half past nine, slowly walking to the central station. When we were close to his apartment, he invited me to stop at 50 Gunduliceva (Gunduliæeva) Street to see if his fiancée had returned from Maribor, where she had gone to visit her sick mother at the hospital. When leaving for Maribor, she said she would be back at five in the afternoon, and if she failed to catch that train, she would be back at ten in the evening. He also said that if his fiancée had not returned he would walk me to the station and wait there for the train from Maribor. We stopped at the apartment for a couple of minutes before heading for the station. On the way to the station, only 150 feet from the apartment, detectives, without uttering a word, grabbed us from behind, saying we were under arrest. Since none of them knew me, they inquired who I was. As soon as I answered, they immediately searched me, taking my wallet with money inside, identity papers, and several business letters together with the envelope I had received in the tram and had still not opened. Detective Cividini put the things taken from me in his pocket. We were then taken to Vranes's apartment, which they searched. As soon as the envelope had been taken from me, detective Cividini asked me what it was, to which I replied what I had reiterated before. Upon arriving at the apartment, the detectives immediately began with the search. I stayed in the room with detective Pavlovic (Pavloviæ), while Vrans went to the other rooms with the other two. After they completed the search, we stayed at the apartment for another half hour, waiting for the arrival of Vranes's fiancée.The train was late and the detectives were bored with the waiting, so they decided we should leave the apartment. They ordered the sister of Vranes's fiancée to wait for her sister and then to both come to the police station. After that decision Cividini left the apartment, returning a while later with a police car which took us to the police. During the ride, the detectives sat in front with the driver, while Vranes and I were locked in the back with a guard. Having arrived at the station, the detectives hesitated as to what and how to begin. In the room we were in there were many books and other things they had recently confiscated, so they had to make a little room on the tables. They then started taking things out of the trunk, placing them on the tables, to make it easier to list things. That took quite some time, as the trunk contained many things, including some the detectives were unable to read. Vranes's fiancée and her sister arrived only around midnight because the Maribor train had been very late. They had to wait for another half hour until the things were listed. When this was over the detectives gave us the records for signing. We signed the records without a word, as did Anka and Julka Saban (Šaban) as witnesses. I take this opportunity to point out that while signing the records, I had not been shown the contents of the envelope, nor had the witnesses. My record of the search had been written by Cividini at the same table which contained the stuff from Vranes's trunk. The table was 3-4 metres away from me, so when he opened the envelope I could not see what he took out of it. The two of us were placed in custody around half past midnight, while the Saban sisters were let to go home. Signing the record I noticed that all the things listed could not have been in the envelope found on me as its thickness indicated that it contained one piece of paper. I, nevertheless, decided to sign the record to avoid a beating, which at that time the Zagreb police gave profusely. I also did that because detective Novak had beaten Vranes during the arrest, and because when the apartment was being searched, we were threatened, in front of Julka Saban, that we would be beaten as soon as we arrived at the police. I decided to sign the record because I believed that I would defend myself in court easily. Not every legal formality had been met during the search and the listing of things. The detective had not opened the envelope in front of me and the witnesses or stated what it contained, and ultimately, he had carried it in his pocket when he had left the apartment and gone to get the car. These were all decisive factors which made me sign the search record. A few days before my arrest, the press brought daily reports from all major centres about searches and closures of workers' union organisations, about seizures of archives, arrests and persecutions of union officials and workers, etc. In those days, as I had learned from the newspapers, the Zagreb police had been searching union organisations. It was only 4-5 days after my arrest, when I was interrogated for the first time, that I realised what the police intended to do. During that interrogation, which was done by chief detective Rimay, things did not go as smoothly as with the search record. While interrogating me, Rimay held a written piece of paper and asked me who it belonged to. He also mentioned the names of some people that I do not know. When he inquired about the envelope, I told him what I said here before. He then wrote a record of the interrogation, without asking me anything. Before signing it, I asked him to read it to me. I was surprised to hear that the record mentioned things which had not been discussed at all and which I had not said. The chief detective said in the record that all the things on me, i.e. in the envelope, belonged to union organisations. It is understandable that I could not sign such a record, firstly because the contents of the envelope had not been shown to me, and secondly because I did not know what was in it and who had written it. It all became clear to me then. The whole procedure with the envelope and its alleged contents, as well as the one with the interrogation, showed what the police intended to do and I decided not to be a weapon in their hands. It was clear to me that the police were using the alleged contents of the envelope and my confession to compromise the workers' unions, on the one hand to be able to somehow justify the frequent and harsher persecutions, and on the other to use such a confession to break the workers' organisations. I signed the search record because it mainly concerned myself, but I could not sign this one which attacked union organisations through me. I could not assume the responsibility for the break-up of the unions, so I decided not to sign such an interrogation record no matter what. I noticed that the chief detective had paid no attention at all to the other part of the interrogation, so I focused on the part of the interrogation which concerned the unions. He insisted that I sign the record without reservations, saying that that stance on the unions was not that important. His insisting only heightened my suspicion and reinforced my decision not to sign. We then argued for some time about the interrogation, with the chief detective trying to extort my signature through diplomacy more than through force. Seeing my determination, he agreed to cross over what he had written about the unions, provided that the rest of the record be not changed. When that item was crossed, I signed. After a sixteen-day police custody I was transferred to the court, where I learned from the newspapers that the day after my arrest, Julka and Ana Saban had been imprisoned. They were detained for about ten days, during which time the police used all means to extort a confession that would charge me. The police tried to make them say that I had been coming to Vranes's apartment frequently to write something. Given that I had been at his apartment only once, on the night in question, they could not falsely accuse me, despite all the efforts on the part of the police. Upon being turned over to the court, I expected that the whole affair with the envelope and the material would be cleared up. Four or five days after being turned over to the court, I was interrogated by the investigating judge, who ruled imprisonment. The envelope with the paper inside it was not shown to me on that occasion either, only some other things that have nothing to do with me. I maintained that the imprisonment had been ruled without valid grounds, so I demanded that the court decide. The court, however, confirmed the investigating judge's decision, and I remained in prison until today. Even though my investigation took forever, for almost ten months I did not know why the police and the state prosecutor were persecuting me. From the questions the investigating judge had asked me I could not understand what I was being suspected of, even more so given that all the material that had been shown to me had neither been found on me nor had I ever seen it before. I remember that while I was being shown the other things, I was asked about the envelope as well. I answered that an envelope had been found on me but that I did not know what was inside it because the police had not shown its contents to me. The district court investigation took about three months and was wrapped up a few days before Christmas, when the complete investigation material was forwarded to the state prosecutor's office, so that it could file an indictment. I expected that the whole thing would soon be over. But a few days after the investigation material had been forwarded to the state prosecutor's office, the state court was established. The laws relating to the establishment of that court became retroactive and my case was forwarded to Belgrade, which is how my investigation took fourteen whole months. And only after 5-6 months after this material had been forwarded to this court was I interrogated by Mr. Kopcec (Kopæec), the investigating judge. It was only then that I found out what I was suspected of. Alongside many things, I was shown the transcript of some papers that, according to the police, had been in the envelope. I reiterated what I had said during the first interrogation about the envelope. Reading it I realised that it contained the item about the union organisations which in the original record had been crossed out. Noticing that, I immediately informed the investigator that the transcript of the interrogation was not faithful to the original. Since I apodictically claimed so, the investigator had the original record brought in. Comparing the two, he saw that my claims were true. At my request that the record officially state that the transcript of the police interrogation contained what in the original had been crossed out, the investigator entered the result of the comparison into the record. When the interrogation done by the investigator of this court mentioned the envelope, I stated that neither I nor the witnesses had seen its contents at the police. I also demanded that if I were not believed, the witnesses who signed the search record should be interviewed. I do not know if they were interviewed or not because I had no contact with them. The state prosecutor, explaining my statement in the verdict, says that it is untrue and contradictory. The state prosecutor, however, refers only to some sections of my interrogation which, if taken out of the whole, may corroborate the charges. Indeed so, when those sections are separated from the whole interrogation and viewed as such, disregarding the rest, then it is not difficult to draw a conclusion similar to the one reached by the state prosecutor. If, however, my entire statement is taken into consideration, and the envelope and the circumstances in which I got it, then it is certain that a conclusion entirely opposite to the one arrived at by the state prosecutor must be reached. Here I have said mainly everything I intended to regarding the arrest and the envelope, which leaves to me to briefly focus on the work plan. I should firstly stress that during the entire investigation there was no mention whatsoever about a work plan which the indictment claims was written by me. Not only was it never mentioned during the investigation, it was not mentioned by the district court when the investigation was completed either. As I stated before, when the investigation was over, the investigation material was forwarded to the state prosecutor's office to press charges. At the very beginning of the investigation several samples of my handwriting were taken, but the court experts who examined them could not establish that anything mentioned in the indictment had been written by me. Because if they had reached a positive finding, the investigating judge would have certainly informed me about it. Only when I was given the indictment did I see that some work plan had surfaced, and that since it had been found in Vranes's trunk, attempts were made to impute it and the entire stuff found in the trunk to me. The police investigation tried to establish if I had been coming to Vranes's apartment frequently, to which end several tenants from the building in question were called in to identify me. Not one recognised me, nor had they ever seen me coming to Vranes's apartment. Had been coming to that apartment often, or living there, as the indictment claims, the police investigation would certainly have established so, even if the apartment's owner had denied it. Of so many tenants, some would certainly have seen me coming there at least once. Their apartments are in the same hallway as Vranes's and are about two metres apart. The caretaker, who knows all the tenants in the building in question, said at the identification that I had never lived in that apartment. As I had not been to Zagreb at all between the day of my banishment and the day I was arrested, and since I did not know that some communist material was in Vranes's apartment, it is understandable that I had nothing to with the things found there. Even though the indictment claims that experts have established that the work plan was written by me, I am pointing out that I have never written any work plan, which precludes any possibility that the handwriting is mine. But if experts have established that the handwriting is indeed mine, they are mistaken, as the handwriting in question appears to have some similarities to mine. If the experts, contrary to my claim that I have never written any work plan, have established that the handwriting in this case is mine, I demand that my handwriting and the work plan be given to new experts, who I am confident will prove my complete innocence in this matter. Last May I was turned over to the Zagreb district court together with Vranes. On that occasion the police accused me of being the president of the workers' signing club "Buducnost". The police accused me in connection with the work of "Buducnost", alleging that it was some sort of communist organisation. The court, however, released me, after the investigation established that "Buducnost" was a cultural-educational society which had nothing to do with communism. When I was released, the police banished me for five years. Some work plan was mentioned on that occasion which, the police claimed, had been found in Vranes's pocket during a search, alongside "Young Bolshevik". That plan was supposed to serve as the basis for allegations about "Buducnost's" communist activity. That accusation by the police failed in court, as did the other ones, since the police were unable to produce proof to back their claims that a work plan had been found on Vranes. It caught my eye that in the indictment, the state prosecutor claimed that "Young Bolshevik" had been found on Vranes on May 6, while a work plan, on which the police charges were based, was not mentioned at all. From everything I said, it transpires that I have no connection with the work plan, the material found in Vranes's apartment and the other material mentioned in the indictment, nor with the activities the indictment imputes to me. If I am guilty of something, then it might be only in connection with the envelope. This guilt, however, is very problematic, as it has not yet been established what it actually contained. I am confident that these proceedings will shed light on many as yet unclear things, and that my complete innocence in this affair will be proven.